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About Sainfoin


Nature's King of Forage

      Sainfoin is not your average hay. This re-emerging leguminous forage crop has been widely recognized for its many unique health benefits for livestock. This ancient forage was especially grown for horses and sheep in Europe and referred to as "healthy hay." George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew Sainfoin in the American colonies, followed by many who recognized its benefit on their land and livestock. Since then, interest in Sainfoin has developed from its beneficial nutraceutical, anti-bloating, and anti-parasitic activity as well as for its levels of condensed tannins. Not only is Sainfoin better for your animals than other popular crops such as Alfalfa, it is also highly palatable and digestible to all species of livestock. 

      The natural anti-inflammatory support is the result of high omega-3 fatty acids found in this legume. Additionally, the higher tannin levels work to disrupt mechanisms that create gas during digestion, meaning that Sainfoin is a non-gas producing forage. Not only is Sainfoin wonderful for your livestock, but its flowers are a rich source of pollen and nectar for pollinators both native and domestic. 

Highlights of Sainfoin in Livestock

  1. Bloat resistant

  2. Longer chewing time

  3. Better Protein Absorption

  4. Anti-inflammatory

  5. Low sugar

  6. Low starch

  7. More palatable than alfalfa

Typical Sainfoin Forage Test


Comparing Sainfoin and Alfalfa



*Bypass protein is the protein that passes through the rumen not degraded and available for the small intestine to absorb

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